TOC3 Australia

This simple theory from an Israeli genius will revolutionize the way you think about business

Front Page: The Week: By Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry | November 6, 2014

Bezos instructs all of his senior execs to read The Goal by Dr Eli Goldratt. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)The Goal Goldratt

Voted best CEO 2014, Jeff Bezos is a big fan of Theory of Constraints

Two years in business school and stints as an entrepreneur and business consultant had mostly convinced me that all management theories are basically a crock. The technical tools I learned in business school, such as accounting and financial analysis, were quite useful in the real world. But the abstract theories I was taught were rarely superior to good old-fashioned commonsense.

But there was one exception, which no one in business school told me about, but which I discovered through a friend who advises entrepreneurs on their business strategy: the theory of constraints (TOC)....

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