TOC3 Australia

Team Building, Thinking and Communication Skills at WARP SPEED

When you think of management and team effectiveness do you often wish it could be better? Do you want to lead your team to higher levels of performance, but are not sure how to start or make it happen?

Do you often find it is difficult to:

  • stop meetings going around in circles
  • get open collaboration and trust between people
  • get a new initiative off the ground and running successfully
  • get everyone aligned in dealing with issues and/or meeting company goals

What if you could achieve the following:

  • Meetings getting result done in one third of the time
  • Gain alignment to company goals - concensus on what is important
  • Have decision making that cuts to the chase  - focussed on the bottom line
  • Defuse emotion and increase trust - everyone is on the same side
  • Rapidly overcome negative side effects of new initiatives
  • Rapidly identify and overcome obstacles to implementing new initiatives

If you could witness positive change in behaviour and achieve specific and measureable results after just a few days then having your team attend the Management Skills Workshop maybe your answer.

IMG 2282 2This workshop is specifically designed for effective communication in day to day (tactical) decision making. Using a selection of the Theory of Constraints Logical Thinking Tools particpants learn, practice and apply the tools to specific problem areas of of your business and gain almost immediate results.

Who should attend?

  • Business owners - who want to work on the business not in it
  • Senior managers and supervisors - responsible for identifying and resolving problems and implementing the changes


The MSW Program

3 x 2 day workshops with either 1 or 2 weeks gap to allow for real time practice of the tools learned. 

Minimum number of participants is 6 - maximum is 16.

Some results and comments

  • "This stuff really works" HR Director, commenting on speed and clarity to reach a key personnel decision.
  • "We gained an extra 38 units per day = $18,700 more in throughput" Decision made 24 hours before after more than 6 months tinkering with ideas. Brett, Senior Production Supervisor, Electrolux Orange NSW Australia

If you think that the Management Skills Workshop is for you and your team then we would be delighted to provide some further background information. Contact Us




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