TOC3 Australia

Answer this quick question:

“When I think of my business it bothers me that…?"

Write down your answers. Don't throw them away.

When you have a list, answer the following questions. Write down your answers and keep them. If you end up speaking with us they will come in useful.

  1. How long have these problems been occurring and why?
  2. How often have you applied energy/effort to deal with these problems? And are you satisfied with progress?
  3. Do these problems seem to recur? What do you think causes that?
  4. Are you reliving the same problems day in day out? Why?
  5. Are you any closer to your goals? And if you had a magic wand to remove the top 3 problems which would they be?
  6. And if you removed the majority of problems what would life be like?
If it was inexpensive and quick to fix these problems (whatever yours maybe) you would have done so some time ago. So why do they recur day after day, month after month and year after year?
Changing the Rules Changes Everything
Consider that despite our best efforts we are treating the symptoms and not the deep underlying cause. We are not treating the fundamental rules of the game. When you pursue performance improvements in any area of the business you may get some wins but overall if the rules do not change the wins are short lived. How come? Those rules come from beliefs. Out of those we create policies, behaviours, measures to drive behaviours, procedures and practices. If the rules don’t change then the behaviours won’t change. If the behaviours won’t change then the outcomes wont change.
Whilst some companies do go deep and attempt to change the rules (more) at the core of the business unless you know exactly how to cause the change and make it stick it is a real struggle.
The good news is that through the Theory of Constraints an entire new set of rules can be deployed which are logically sound and consistent. The advantage to those applying TOC is that 90% of businesses or more are still playing by the old rules and old practices. This provides you with an opportunity to capture a compelling decisive competitive advantage. And after more than 25 years since its inception TOC has a proven track record. This is hardly a fad.
Contact us now to learn more about these rules and how they might apply to your business  




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In a nutshell

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Independent research shows that conventional (and we mean the main stream methods) do not consistently deliver projects on time, to budget or scope. On average 4 out of 5 projects fail ...
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 Get a high percentage of your projects back on track - fastRecent research shows that up to 50% of an organisations projects are at risk at any given time. The most prevalent problem b...


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