TOC3 Australia


Get a high percentage of your projects back on track - fast

help when you need itRecent research shows that up to 50% of an organisations projects are at risk at any given time. The most prevalent problem being meeting project timelines. Up to 25% of these companies do not have a standardised process to respond when projects begin to get into trouble. With so much at stake having projects fail can have dire consequences. Early detection and intervention is required in order to avoid the substantial losses associated with project failure.

Common characteristics of problem projects

  • Project is consistently behind schedule
  • Milestones and deliverables not met
  • Resources not dedicated to the project when required
  • Unresolved technical issues/complications
  • Project plans are frequently revised/changed

Our recovery methodology requires the implementation of the Theory of Constraints solution for projects: Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) into your organisation.

How to rescue your projects:

  1. Implement Critical Chain Project Management
  2. Identify Problem Projects: apply triage to your project portfolio to identify candidates for possible intervention
    1. Projects beyond rescue are identified and allowed to run their course or are terminated (using your commercial criteria)
    2. Projects that are healthy require little or no intervention but are embeded with standardised protection processes
    3. Projects that are at risk are identified and ranked in order of commercial and/or strategic benefit
  3. Project Recovery and Turnaround: We work with your PMO/Project Leaders to develop and apply individual project recovery plans built on standardised recovery processes
  4. Monitor and Respond: Closely monitor project performance daily, or as appropriate (applying corrective and preventive risk minimisation actions) to protect the Critical Chain project timeline.
  5. Ongoing Continuous Improvement: Capture and document lessons learned for future projects

We work closely with your team at every stage ensuring that the knowledge and practice is transferred for ongoing success. Your problem projects are back on track and typically ahead of original schedule.

Case Study: Custom Home Builder, New Zealand

4X3 bedroom homes being built simultaneously. Average industry lead time 110 - 115 days. At the start of the project each home was more than 50% completed. Results for these homes are below. The next generation of homes achieved average completion times of 73 days with potential for 60 days. 

  • Home 1 was 7 weeks behind at final stages of completion - Rescued to being 2 weeks late
  • Home 2 was 5 weeks behind and likely to remain that way - Rescued 2 days late after promised completion 
  • Home 3 was 2 weeks behind - Rescued 1 week ahead of promised completion
  • Home 4 was 3 weeks behind - Rescued 3 days ahead of promised completion

In all cases no extra money spent.

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you quickly get your projects back on track and keep them on track.  






Exepron is a unique multi-project Critical Chain Project Management Software solution with embedded real time intelligence to plan, schedule and execute projects.
Exepron answers the 7 most critical questions of project management in real time.
Contact us to find out how.


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In a nutshell

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