TOC3 Australia

Accelerate Productivity Improvement to Maximise Your Business Success

Breakthrough business solutions designed, installed and operational within 10 working days.

At TOC3 we work closely with your team to help them learn and build a customised Theory of Constraints (TOC) solution for your business. We expertly guide the implementation to rapidly achieve breakthrough results and build a platform for low maintenance ongoing continuous improvement.

There are two ways we work with you to implement a solution. 

1. Rapid Implementation Project

All rapid implementation projects follow the same process steps. Since each client is different with different time frames, needs and risks we can tailor a project, subject to some checks, in either of two ways that best suits you:
Option A - Quick Hand Over - We don't anticipate delays, your people are fast on the uptake and we can hand over in double-quick time. Your people are running the systems and results are still coming in. Handover and sign-off is usually within 45 days. Fee is 60% of Option B
Option B - Guaranteed - Results may take longer to achieve and you want us to be with you all the way - for whatever it takes to deliver results. Handover and project sign-off is usually 90 days, very rarely beyond 120 days

Our rapid implementation process

  • Saves You Time
  • Is Quick to Install
  • Delivers a Smooth Transition
  • Is Easy to Understand
  • Helps You and Your Team Make Smarter Decisions
  • Saves Money
  • Aligns Measures to the GOAL of the Business 
  • Ongoing Help and Support When You Need It

2. Mentoring Program (8 - 10 months)

Typically clients witness a breakthrough in results early in the program but fully realise outcomes at month 8 or 9. 
More details on mentoring

On Going Support

Whichever implementation journey you choose you will be fully supported throughout the implementation and beyond. We cherish our relationships and thrive on delivering value. We take delight in watching businesses transform themselves knowing that we have been a cause of that impacting your bottom line and increasing the sanity of everyone inside.

The 6 Step Rapid Implementation Process 
We employ a proven system of rapid solution delivery. Over 120 separate implementations completed by our practitioners. You are in safe hands. Take note: Learning the Theory of Constraints is not the same as implementing a TOC solution. This is our specialisation.  Detailed Rapid Implementation Process

What we ask of you

Over years of implementation we have learned what works and what doesn't especially from a change management perspective. So it makes sense to understand what we expect from you and your team. Your Role in Making Your Solution Get Implemented Quickly and Safely




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Throughput Accounting Global MeasuresThroughput Accounting lifts profit performance by enabling better management decisions based on 3 key monetary me...
What is Throughput Accounting?The Theory of Constraints Throughput Accounting primarily focuses on increasing Throughput rather than cutting costs to ...
The Problem with ProjectsThe problem with projects is that all projects have problems. Some are more severe than others. When 4 out of 5 projects are ...
 Get a high percentage of your projects back on track - fastRecent research shows that up to 50% of an organisations projects are at risk at any ...
Leadership - Authority to actTo achieve results in under 3 months it is imperative that the project sponsor has the authority to keep the project on t...
1. PROBLEM DEFINITION: Understand Environment and agree on Core Problem to solve (2 - 5 days)We understand your environment - site audit We get to mee...
Independent research shows that conventional (and we mean the main stream methods) do not consistently deliver projects on time, to budget or sco...
TO COME - Viable VisionTurning your Top Line into your Bottom Line within 4 years - Guaranteed!...
How to have crystal clear, rapid and effective thinking and communication where everyone is on the same side with almost instant positve bot...
What to do to maximise profits when the Market is your constraint?When production goes faster than sales orders and you are left with idle/underutilis...

In a nutshell

“We were averaging 74 tonnes per day now that has jumped to 87 tonnes per day after only 8 days”. (+18%)Dragi; Production Manager, Best Bar Reinforcements, Melbourne...
 Grant Johnston: Managing Director “That’s ******* amazing” Commenting on 75% reduction of WIP in under 3 weeks.Brad Johnston: Operations Director “I’m very pleased with that” (...
LUFTHANSA wins Prestigious Award (2013) for the best wide body aircraft maintenance facility in Europe.One of the most complex operations environments to manage on-time delivery within budge...
The Theory of Constraints provides deep insights into why it is difficult to manage production and what to do to get rapid and lasting breakthroughs in performance.Does it bother you that pr...
 Our goal is to rapidly transform businesses into serious cash and profit engines increasing value and market position and making lives better for everyone.We do this by implementing th...
Maximise Profits with Throughput Accounting and the Theory of ConstraintsHow what you measure makes all the difference Are you achieving your financial targets?  Are you exper...
Distribution Logistics – Inventory and Warehouse ManagementDo you want to dramatically improve Profits and Cash Flow?If you could get the right stock at the right place, in the right quant...
ISCEA - the world Leader in Supply Chain Education, Certification and Recognition for professionals and industry experts announces program for Critical Chain Project Management and is partne...
At TOC3 it is our business to rapidly get everything in your business aligned and synchronised to achieve your Goal(s), focus on what matters then go faster with less effort.Quite frank...
Integrity: Our word is our bond We do as we say We don\'t promise what we can\'t deliver and if for some reason we fail we apologise without delay and make goodOpenness We tell it...

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