TOC3 Australia

At TOC3 it is our business to rapidly get everything in your business aligned and synchronised to achieve your Goal(s), focus on what matters then go faster with less effort.

Quite frankly we love this stuff because it works. We thrive on helping business owners and managers achieve rapid and sustainable business improvement through the implementation of simple, logical and proven systems based on the scientific methods of the Theory of Constraints.

TOC3 will help you very quickly:

  • Increase Throughput
  • Reduce Investment
  • Reduce Operating Expenses
  • Increase Cash Flow

With the right TOC solution you can very quickly expose the hidden capacity in your operation. When you sell this extra capacity the revenue straight through to your bottom line. 

You can do this by using your exising resources at no additional cost other than the cost of raw materials that you will need in order to make the additional products you sell. 

With the Theory of Constraints getting a breakthrough in business performance is Fast , Safe (proven) and Sustainable. 


And provided you follow the simple rules of TOC we guarantee that you will get the results. 

Boost Sales Revenue

If you want to go to the next level and boost sales further we can show how you can leverage your system with specific market offers your customers cannot refuse and your competitors are unable or unwilling to replicate. 

Contact us now to find out more




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At TOC3 we believe in win/win Theory of Constraints partnerships and alliances.  We look for and build lasting relationships built on trust,...
When you work with us at TOC3 we help you rapidly transform your systems from CHAOS to CALM. Our clients regularly experience the following ...
We are very excited about the breakthroughs and opportunities we are providing to our clients. Where it all started....Dr Eliyahu Goldratt published ...
 Our goal is to rapidly transform businesses into serious cash and profit engines increasing value and market position and making lives better fo...
Our Guarantee:We guarantee to support you all the way until all agreed outcomes are fully achieved OUR PROMISE:Do what it takes to deliver the abov...
When we started out our clients were in the main small to medium manufacturing and project based businesses. We  are branching out into other spe...
A key component of our mission is to make lives better for everyone.We refuse to work with companies that use the solutions to cut costs by reducing t...
At TOC3 it is our business to rapidly get everything in your business aligned and synchronised to achieve your Goal(s), focus on what matters then...
How do we go about helping you get these kinds of Real Results?We do it by getting you to see that in order to have a breakthrough in performance the ...

In a nutshell

We got enough space now to play cricket”, \"Rework has virtually been eliminated\" Gigangit, Production Manager, Best Bar Reinforcements, Melbourne...
Key Solution Application areas: Operations (Manufacture and Service Operations)Distribution Logistics (Inventory Management, Warehousing)Project ManagementMeasurement and Throughput Acc...
Independent research shows that conventional (and we mean the main stream methods) do not consistently deliver projects on time, to budget or scope. On average 4 out of 5 projects fail ...
ISCEA - the world Leader in Supply Chain Education, Certification and Recognition for professionals and industry experts announces program for Critical Chain Project Management and is partne...
“I can load four trucks now in the same time as one before” Rick: ecstatic Day Shift Truck Loader ...
Special InvitationAs a business owner or senior manager your are cordially invited to a attend a business information seminar where you will learn about the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a b...
The TOC Expert (Jonah) DayMany of you have read Dr. Eli Goldratt’s best selling business novel “The Goal”. This inspiring work has been the foundation of business success for 1000’s ...
The additional capacity generated by these systems creates the opportunity to boost sales revenue and maximise profits. If you want to go to the next level and boost sales rev...
Integrity: Our word is our bond We do as we say We don\'t promise what we can\'t deliver and if for some reason we fail we apologise without delay and make goodOpenness We tell it...
Write to orCall: 1300 919 761 or 0418 207 362We will be delighted to answer your questions.Andrew KayDirectorTOC3PO Box 551Glebe, NSW, 2037Australia...

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