TOC3 Australia

Business at Warp Speed

Business at Warp Speed

Experience the thrill of rapid business improvement - Guaranteed!

No matter how you measure it, be it: more profitability more cash shorter lead times less inventory greater capacity projects…

TOC Rapid Business Improvement Solutions

TOC Rapid Business Improvement Solutions

to Maximise Your Business Success

Accelerate Productivity Improvement to Maximise Your Business Success Breakthrough business solutions designed, installed and operational within 10 working days. At TOC3 we…

Theory of Constraints is science applied to business

Theory of Constraints is science applied to business

Transforming Chaos to Calm with TOC

Theory of Constraints is not a secret but it might well as be.  To achieve rapid, significant and lasting business…

Critcal Chain Project Management delivers yet again!

Critcal Chain Project Management delivers yet again!

Transforming Chaos to Calm with TOC

LUFTHANSA wins Prestigious Award (2013) for the best wide body aircraft maintenance facility in Europe. One of the most complex…

Theory of Constraints Mentoring

Theory of Constraints Mentoring

Expert guidance for those who want to do it themselves

Mentoring is for those who want to take a "do it yourself" approach but realise they need some expert TOC guidance…


Our team specialise in the rapid implementation of simple, logical and proven high performance systems and business processes based in the scientific principles of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) also known as Constraints Management.

The systems very quickly expose the hidden capacity in your operations which you can sell with immediate positive impact to your bottom line.

We help our clients create and install customised solutions in under 10 working days. We get to know the business and the aspirations of the owners and managers. We are very throurough in understanding the problems and the deep rooted causes.

Real measureable results appear during and after installation often within 10 days with full outcomes typically achieved in 90 days or less. The typical return on project investment (ROI) is a minimum 10:1. Payback is well under 12 months, usually within 3 months often within 30 days.

TOC3 guarantees to support you all the way until outcomes are fully achieved. Simply follow the rules of TOC and we guarantee that you will get the results. Business Improvement Results




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Contact us to find out how.


In a nutshell

What is Throughput Accounting?The Theory of Constraints Throughput Accounting primarily focuses on increasing Throughput rather than cutting costs to increase profits.There are only three wa...
Download PDF version here...
Step 1: The best way to start is to do some reading and some background research.Almost everyone who goes onto transforming their business with TOC has read \'The Goal\' by Dr Eliyahu Goldratt...
Independent research shows that conventional (and we mean the main stream methods) do not consistently deliver projects on time, to budget or scope. On average 4 out of 5 projects fail ...
About the Theory of Constraints Since the mid 1980’s thousands of companies around the world including some in Australia and New Zealand have been achieving rapid and sustainable growth ev...
We got enough space now to play cricket”, \"Rework has virtually been eliminated\" Gigangit, Production Manager, Best Bar Reinforcements, Melbourne...
Our Guarantee:We guarantee to support you all the way until all agreed outcomes are fully achieved OUR PROMISE:Do what it takes to deliver the above.YOUR PROMISE:Do what it takes to remov...
Write to orCall: 1300 919 761 or 0418 207 362We will be delighted to answer your questions.Andrew KayDirectorTOC3PO Box 551Glebe, NSW, 2037Australia...
Our team specialise in the rapid implementation of simple, logical and proven high performance systems and business processes based in the scientific principles of the Theory of Co...

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Certified Practitioners


the goal

The Goal, By Eli Goldratt, Anniversary 3rd Edition in stock $45.00 plus postage. Immediate delivery anywhere in Australia


TOC Expert (Day)

Just like Jonah in "The Goal" have  a leading TOC Expert (Jonah) visit your site for one day.

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