TOC3 Australia

Business at Warp Speed

Business at Warp Speed

Experience the thrill of rapid business improvement - Guaranteed!

No matter how you measure it, be it: more profitability more cash shorter lead times less inventory greater capacity projects…

TOC Rapid Business Improvement Solutions

TOC Rapid Business Improvement Solutions

to Maximise Your Business Success

Accelerate Productivity Improvement to Maximise Your Business Success Breakthrough business solutions designed, installed and operational within 10 working days. At TOC3 we…

Theory of Constraints is science applied to business

Theory of Constraints is science applied to business

Transforming Chaos to Calm with TOC

Theory of Constraints is not a secret but it might well as be.  To achieve rapid, significant and lasting business…

Critcal Chain Project Management delivers yet again!

Critcal Chain Project Management delivers yet again!

Transforming Chaos to Calm with TOC

LUFTHANSA wins Prestigious Award (2013) for the best wide body aircraft maintenance facility in Europe. One of the most complex…

Theory of Constraints Mentoring

Theory of Constraints Mentoring

Expert guidance for those who want to do it themselves

Mentoring is for those who want to take a "do it yourself" approach but realise they need some expert TOC guidance…

With our support your team will quickly learn how to leverage your new system to maximise profits generating the following range of business improvement outcomes:
  • Increase Throughput between 20% - 80%
  • Reduce Process Lead Time between 35% - 65%
  • Reduce Inventory between 30% - 50%
  • Improve Due Date Performance between 95% - 100%
  • Expose Hidden Capacity between 20% - 30%+
  • Reduce Cash to Cash Cycle times
  • Reduce Operating Expenses by up to 10%
  • Transform Chaos to Calm
The systems are:
  • Highly visual (no new software required, EXEPRON is an ingenious exception)
  • Use your existing resources (no new investment or expenses)
  • Easy to understand 
  • Willingly run by your own people
  • Takes only a few days to design install a customised solution 
  • Involves only a few key people.
For building organisational leadership and effectiveness we provide Executive Mentoring
For ongoing improvement we also apply Lean Tools where appropriate

More information on how to boost business improvement:-




Exepron is a unique multi-project Critical Chain Project Management Software solution with embedded real time intelligence to plan, schedule and execute projects.
Exepron answers the 7 most critical questions of project management in real time.
Contact us to find out how.


In a nutshell

\"Our plant at Orange NSW has met or surpased every global Electrolux benchmark for success. January 2010, Hans Strauberg Global CEO Electrolux...
 Get a high percentage of your projects back on track - fastRecent research shows that up to 50% of an organisations projects are at risk at any given time. The most prevalent problem b...
The following client has achieved substantial results with TOC after Lean and some Six Sigma practices where already embedded in the organisation. So if you have already implemented Lean or ...
LUFTHANSA wins Prestigious Award (2013) for the best wide body aircraft maintenance facility in Europe.One of the most complex operations environments to manage on-time delivery within budge...
From NOW to WOW in under 9 days BAE Systems Australia continues to break company record.RAPID CCPM IMPLEMENTATION AND RAPID RESULTS USING EXEPRON - Andrew KayBAE Systems Australia imple...
9 Ways To Win with Theory of ConstraintsIdentify the hidden constraints that limit your organisations performance and learn to manage them to maximise your profits. Don\'t let them manage y...
The Goal – A Process of Ongoing ImprovementBy Dr. Eli GoldrattA new hero is winning the hearts and minds of American Managers.  The hero’s name is Alex Rogo, and thousands of executives...
The Problem with ProjectsThe problem with projects is that all projects have problems. Some are more severe than others. When 4 out of 5 projects are reported to fail; either not delivered o...
Step 1: The best way to start is to do some reading and some background research.Almost everyone who goes onto transforming their business with TOC has read \'The Goal\' by Dr Eliyahu Goldratt...

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the goal

The Goal, By Eli Goldratt, Anniversary 3rd Edition in stock $45.00 plus postage. Immediate delivery anywhere in Australia


TOC Expert (Day)

Just like Jonah in "The Goal" have  a leading TOC Expert (Jonah) visit your site for one day.

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